HMI permissions and passwords 13
4 Passwords

4.1 HMI permissions and passwords

The Entellisys HMI requires a l ogin name and password. T his login sets the permissible actio ns
for the session. Each user's permissions are programmable to provide flexibility. Only the
Administrator can set permissions, log in names, and passwords.
CAUTION: Enabling Group Permissions for features that allow the changing of settings and/or
access to control functions must be restricted to accounts for qualified personnel only. As a
reminder, users with such privileges will be presented with the following screen upon initial login:
Figure 4-1 Initial login Caution screen

4.1.1 Setting HMI login permissions and passwords

A Group defines the permission categories for a type or group of users. By default,
Administrator, Operator, and Guest groups are defined with preset permissions as examples.
Additional groups may b e created with programmable p ermissions.
Figure 4-2 Programmable permis sions screen