The range should be installed on
asheetof p!ywood (or similar
material) asfollows: When fk3 floor
kat the front
of themmge, the areathat the range
will reston should be built up with
plywood to the samelevel or higher
than the floor covering. This will
then allow the rangeto be moved
for cleaning or servicing.
tlheLeveling screws may be located on
each corner of the base. By remov-
ing the bottom drawer you can level
the range to an uneven floor by
adjusting leveling legs.
.‘–sremove drawer, pull drawer out
.:II~~eway, tilt up the front and
‘removeit. To replace, insert glides
at backof drawer beyond stop on
W& 1~~glides.Lift drawer if
necessaryto insert easily. Let front
of drawer down, then push into
Usecooking utensils of medium
weight aluminum,
CCMW3,and fiat k)c)tiof’ns which
(XMY the heated
portion of the surface unit.
Ch3k fresh vegetableswith a
minimum amount of water in
acovered pan.
Watchfoods when ~ringing them
quickly to coo~ing temperatures
at HKN+heat. When food reaches
cooking temperature, reduce
heat immediately to lowest
setting that will keep it cooking.
Useresidual heat with surface
cooking whenever possible. For
example, when ccmking,eggsin
the shell, bring water to boil, then
turn tcIOFF position to complete
the cooking.
JJsecorrect heatfor cooking
task. ..HIGH—to start cooking
(if time allows, do not use HIGH
heatto start), MEDILHVIHi—
quick brownings, I’vH3-slow fry-
ing, LOW—finish cooking most
quantities, WM—&x..Me boiier
heat,finish cooking, and special
for small quantities.
When boiling watet-for tea or
coffee, heat only the amount
needed. It is not economical to
boil acontainer M! of water for
only one or two cups.
Preheatthe ovenonly when
necessary.Hyou find preh43ating
isnecessary, turn the OVEN SET
Knob to BAKE. Turi~OVEN
TEMP to desired temperature.
When oven.cycling light goes
out the oven is preheated.
Always turfl ovenOFT before
removing food.
During baking, avoidfrequent ,
Qooropenings. Keep door open
asshort atime as possible when
it is 6pehed. ~ ~
Cook complete o’km meals
insteadof just one food ite~.
Potatoes,other vegetables, and
sdrnedesserts will chok together
with amain-dish casserole,meat
loaf, chicken or roast. Choose
foods that cook at the sametem-
perature and in approximately
the sametime.
Useresidual heat in oven when-
everpossible to finish cookihg
casseroles,oven meals, etc. Also
addrolls or precooked desserts
to warm oven, using residual heat
to warm them.