‘oAsTING ‘--x

Roilst;n: is ct~t)king by ~lry IIcLI(. ‘r~ll~l~t” IllCill or

polllll~ Cllll bC l’oilSICLl LlnC()\’Cl’~d i]l yollr ov~l). Roilsting (cnlI)cralurcs, which sh(~ulci bt! low iInd StCildy, kC~p Sl)iltlel”l ng (() il Ill i rl I 111 U ITl.

R(~tistirlg is rc:illy ;] b:tking proueclurc used I’or nled[s. Thcrclk)rc. oven col][r’ols” ilr~ sc[ li~r BAKE. (You ]~lii)

t]~i]r ii slight clicking sound, il]diciilill: the oven is

~)ol.~illg plop~rly.) [<()~lsti n: is cilsy; iust i’t)llo~”

When (he oven Sl:lrts, tbc word “ON”, 1000,iuTd the

chiillging lenlpcriiture, st:lrt iilg i]t 1 ()(lC F., wi I I be displ~lyecl. When the oven l~il~t]es the tcrnpcr:ltLlrc

you set. i] tone will s~>und.


Step 5: Press [he C1.EAR/OF[’ piLd

when ro:lsting is finished i~nd then



renlovc t’~)t)d frutn (Jvcn.

these Steps:







Step 1: PlilCC th~ sh~ll’





Step 6: Most Incats continue [L) cook” slightly while

in A (~r B p(~silion. N()



prchc:]ting is ]]~~’~ssill”~.



sti~nding, i~fter being rclnoved [’rt)nl the oven.

Step 2: Check [ht



titne recornlnen(ted for ro:]sts is 10 to 20



tninules. This ~Illows ro~sts to t’ir]n up :Inci tnukes

weight 01” Ihc IncLi[.





theln c:lsier to c~irvc. Internal telnperirture will rise

PltICC [h~ I1lCLI[ l’iit-



about 5° tt~ 10OF.: t~) ct)tnpenstitc I’or tctnper’zllure

Sillc-llp.or poll llry’


/ o



if’ desirc(t, renlt)ve the r-oilst l“r(>nl over]

hr’Cils[-SiclC-Up. (Jll




soor]cr” (il[ 5° to 10Ot~.

less thilll [~iTlp~riitLil.~ in the

r[)ilSt i Ilg rilCk i 11 ii








R(>iisting Guide).


Shill IOW” p:lll. ‘1.IIC nlclli Ilg (’ill W i I I bLl\l

C 1 tlC IllCii[.


N()’I’FI: YOU n~tiy wish

tc~ usc ‘rllTICL1 Hiik~. :Is


ii Pilll IIS

CIOSC to ltlC

si~.e 01” tllC


pt)ssible. ( Br(Jilcr pllll ivilh ritck i~ i] g{)~)~l pilrl I’ol”

cicscri bed in [he BiikitTg section t)l’ this hook,”

[his. )

l.inc broi ICI” Piltl wilh illlllllllllllll1-01 I when usi Ilg

(() (urn the c)ten on :ind ot’f” iLLl[[~lllil[ iC21]ly.

p:ln l’(~r il):lii]liitill~, c(~(}king

with I’ruils. cooking”

Runlcnlbcr thirt food” will continue (() cook” in the

IICilY’ ily ~U1’~cl lllCill S. 01” In:lsti 11: I’()()LI (luring cook” i [1:.

hot t)~ren ilnd therctore

should be r~’nl(~ved when the



(Ilesc tllitl~li;lls irlsi~le

the ()\cII or

Ltcsil”cd intcrnill tcnlper~llure birs been reirched.








i side [hc











To change oven temperature during roasting,






press the B,4KE p~id ~tnd then INCREASE or





IJECR EASE ]>ild to get ncw tenlpcri~ture.








Step 4: Press the IN(TREAS[l


01 DECR EAS [; Pi[d L[tlti 1 desired

telnper21ture is (tiSplilyC(l.




For Frozen Roasts

F1’()/.Cll loilSt5 of” hCCt’. Pol’k. Iillllh. CtC.. Ciin hC Stili’tCLt

wi[houl lh:twin:. but :11 low I () I(J 25 tninulcs pcr

p(~llnd ildditioll:l! lilllC ( 10 lllillLl(CS pcl” p(lLlllLt [’01”

r“oilStS U1lLt~l’ 5 p(lLlllLtS, 111(11’C ti nlC tot” lill’~~1’ roilStS ).

Thilw most I’rozcn poultry bet’(~rc roilsting to ensure

even d~)ncness. S(~nle collltncrci:ll I’rt)rcn p(~ullry ctin hc c[~t~kcd succcssl’ully withoui lh:lwing. FCJII(JW Clircc[ ions given on pil~kilg~ l~lbcl.

((’olll;ill(((l Ill.\’/ /)(/<q(’)

— .—.——————-——---—— ————


Page 17
Image 17
GE JGSP30GER, JGSP31GER, JGSP40AES manual For Frozen Roasts, To change oven temperature during roasting

JGSP30GER, JGSP40AES, JGSP31GER specifications

General Electric (GE) has long been known for its commitment to quality appliances, and the JGSP31GER, JGSP40AES, and JGSP30GER are no exceptions. These gas ranges exemplify modern cooking technology while offering a blend of functionality and style. Each model caters to home chefs looking for reliability and innovative features.

The GE JGSP31GER is a versatile 30-inch gas range that showcases a powerful 4-burner cooktop. The burners are designed to deliver precise heat settings, allowing for everything from simmering delicate sauces to boiling water for pasta. Its Continuous Grates provide a seamless surface for sliding pots and pans, enhancing the cooking experience by making the transition between burners hassle-free. This model also includes an oven with a large capacity, perfect for families or those who love to entertain.

Next, the GE JGSP40AES offers a slightly different take on the range. This model features 5 burners, providing additional cooking space for those who require more versatility in the kitchen. One of its standout technologies is the convection oven, which ensures even baking by circulating hot air throughout the oven cavity. This results in perfectly baked items every time—whether it's cookies, roasts, or casseroles. Additionally, the self-cleaning option is a significant time-saver, allowing users to maintain a clean oven with minimal effort.

Finally, the GE JGSP30GER is designed with the modern home chef in mind. This model incorporates an integrated oven thermometer that provides real-time temperature readings, helping to ensure precise cooking. The internal oven features different cooking modes, such as Bake, Broil, and Warm, catering to various cooking requirements. Its sleek stainless steel finish not only looks great in any kitchen but is also easy to clean.

Collectively, these GE gas ranges represent a commitment to quality and innovation. Each model is equipped with safety features such as electronic ignition and a flame failure device, which cut off the gas supply if the flame goes out. Their ergonomic designs and user-friendly controls make them an excellent addition to any kitchen. In summary, the GE JGSP31GER, JGSP40AES, and JGSP30GER combine cutting-edge technology with practical features to elevate the cooking experience. Whether you’re an amateur cook or a seasoned chef, these ranges promise to meet your culinary needs while enhancing your kitchen's functionality and aesthetic appeal.