Control Performance Test
Set Time:
1.Touch OPTIONS on the HOME display.
2.Touch SET CLOCK on the OPTIONS display.
3.Using the numbers on the touchscreen, enter the time of day. Press ENTER when finished or CLEAR to erase the time you entered.
4.Select AM or PM from the touchscreen. Press ENTER when finished or BACK to enter a new time.
•Alternately touch each function pad and enter time, temperature, and power level selection for the function.
•Touch CLEAR after each function test to clear that function.
•Repeat the procedure for each function to exercise each pad.
•Control and display should respond to each entry.
•Display should revert to
Sensor Test (Quick Test)
Press and hold the OFF and LIGHT buttons for 3 seconds. Note diagnostic number displayed.
15 to 185 = Normal
213 or higher = Sensor failed to open, sensor unplugged, wiring, or smart board.
Less than 6 = Shorted sensor or smart board.
Caution: Do NOT check the white and orange sensor leads. Checking could damage sensor.
Note: Black and red heater terminal leads should read 30 Ω.
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