Smart Board
The smart board contains the power relay, LVT, vent blower triac, surface light relays, and other components to perform the proper switching circuits. Several disconnect plugs are also located on the smart board.
CN01 - Ribbon connector.
Interfaces the smart board and the touch pad.
CN02 - Primary LTV, Main Relay, Inrush Relay, and Turntable.
Interfaces the smart board and the key module.
CN03 - Vent Blower Connector
Pin 1 | Hood TCO |
Pin 3 | Hood TCO |
Pin 5 | Main Fuse |
Pin 7 | Louver Motor |
CN04 - Cooktop Lamp Relay Connector | |
Pin 4 | Turntable Motor |
Pin 5 | Fan Motor |
Pin 7 | Fan Motor |
Pin 9 | Oven Lamp |
CN05 |
Pin 1 | Cooktop Lamps |
Pin 3 | Cooktop Lamps |
CN06 - Door Sensing Connector | |
Pin 1 ORG | Door Sense Switch |
Pin 2 ORG | Door Sense Switch |
CN07 - Louver Motor Switches Connector | |
Pin 1 YEL | Louver Switch |
Pin 2 BLU | Louver Switch |
Pin 3 RED | Louver Switch |
CN08 - Gas Sensing Connector | |
Pin 1 ORG | Gas Sensor |
Pin 2 WHT | Gas Sensor |
Pin 3 BLK | Gas Sensor |
Pin 4 RED | Gas Sensor |
| |
WHT/WHT | To High Power Interlock |
WHT/WHT | Cooktop Lamps |
WHT | HV Transformer |
| |
WHT/WHT | To Low Power Interlock |
WHT/WHT | Power Cord N |
WHT | HV Transformer Fuse |
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