Operator's Manual | Second Edition • Ninth Printing |
Decal Inspection
Use the pictures on the next page to verify that all decals are legible and in place.
Below is a numerical list with quantities and descriptions.
Part No. | Decal Description | Quantity | |
27564 | Danger - Electrocution Hazard |
| 2 |
28157 | Label - Dexron |
| 1 |
28161 | Warning - Crushing Hazard |
| 3 |
28164 | Notice - Hazardous Materials |
| 1 |
28165 | Notice - Foot Switch |
| 1 |
28171 | Label - No Smoking |
| 2 |
28174 | Power to Platform, 230V |
| 2 |
28175 | Caution - Compartment Access |
| 1 |
28176 | Notice - Missing Manuals |
| 1 |
28177 | Warning - Platform Rotate |
| 2 |
28181 | Warning - No Step or Ride |
| 1 |
28235 | Power to Platform, 115V |
| 2 |
28236 | Warning - Failure To Read . . . |
| 1 |
28372 | Caution - Component Damage |
| 2 |
| |
31060 | Danger - | 4 | |
31508 | Notice - Power to Charger |
| 1 |
| |
31784 | Notice - Tire Specificatiions, | 4 | |
| |
31785 | Notice - Battery Charger Instructions | 2 | |
31788 | Danger - Battery/Charger Safety |
| 2 |
32700 | Danger - Safety Rules |
| 1 |
33952 | Danger - |
| 1 |
| |
35542 | Notice - Tire Specifications, | 4 | |
35583 | Platform Control Panel |
| 1 |
| |
37051 | Notice - Max Side Force, 150 lbs / 667 N | 1 | |
| |
37052 | Notice - Maximum Load, 500 lbs / 227 kg | 1 | |
37053 | Arrow - Blue |
| 1 |
37054 | Arrow - Yellow |
| 1 |
Part No. | Decal Description | Quantity | |
37055 | Triangle - Blue |
| 2 |
37056 | Triangle - Yellow |
| 2 |
38110 | Label - Travel Alarm |
| 1 |
38111 | Warning - Brakes Release |
| 1 |
38112 | Caution - Collision Hazard |
| 1 |
| |
40299 | Notice - Battery Connection Diagram | 2 | |
40300 | Danger - |
| 2 |
40434 | Label - Lanyard Anchorage |
| 2 |
43036 | Platform Control Panel |
| 1 |
43652 | Ground Control Panel |
| 1 |
| |
43653 | Notice - Operating Instructions, Ground | 1 | |
43658 | Power to Charger, 230V |
| 1 |
43663 | Notice - Function Enable |
| 1 |
44980 | Power to Charger, 115V |
| 1 |
44981 | Airline to Platform |
| 2 |
| ||
44986 | Notice - Max Manual Force, 90 lbs / 400 N 1 | ||
52968 | Cosmetic - Genie Boom |
| 1 |
62930 | Cosmetic - Genie |
| 1 |
| |
62931 | Cosmetic - Genie | 2 | |
62932 | Cosmetic - Genie |
| 1 |
62933 | Cosmetic - Genie |
| 2 |
| |
65171 | Label - Circuit Breaker & Status Light | 1 | |
72080 | Ground Control Panel |
| 1 |
72081 | Platform Control Panel |
| 1 |
72833 | Label - Open |
| 2 |
82366 | Label - Chevron Rykon |
| 1 |
114330 | Danger - Safety Rules |
| 1 |
| |
114333 | Notice - Operating Instructions, Platform | 1 | |
30 | Genie | Part No.43654 |