Resume by Alarm
You can set "Resume by Alarm" item to enabled and key in Date/Time to power on system.
Disabled | Disable this function. (Default value) | |
Enabled | Enable alarm function to POWER ON system. | |
If RTC Alarm Lead To Power On is Enabled. | ||
Date (of Month) Alarm : | Everyday, 1~31 | |
Time (hh: mm: ss) Alarm : | (0~23) : (0~59) : (0~59) |
POWER ON Function
Disabled | Disable this function. (Default value) |
Any KEY | Press any key to power on the system. |
Mouse | Double click on mouse left button to power on the system. |
Mouse/Any KEY | Press any key or double click on mouse left button to power on the system. |
- 39 - | BIOS Setup |