Profile Name – Network configuration (Profile) your Adapter is currently using. Creating and modifying a profile is done from the Profile Management Tab.
Link Status – Displays the association status of the Adapter to a network. (Not Associated, Associated, Authenticating, Authenticated, Authentication Failed, Authentication Failed Retrying)
Wireless Mode – The frequency and rate which your current wireless connection is capable of transmitting or receiving packets.
Network Type – Displays the network connection type, options are
Server Based Authentication – Indicates if an 802.1X compliant RADIUS authentication server is utilized.
IP Address – The unique Internet Protocol ID for the Adapter.
Current Channel – The wireless radio channel being used for the data transmission.
Data Encryption – Type of encryption currently in use (if any)
Signal Strength – The length of the green bar represents relative wireless network signal strength.
Click Advanced if you want to view more detailed status information for your client adapter. The Advanced Status window appears (see Figure
Figure 3-2. Advanced Status Window
Network Name (SSID) - The name of the network to which your client adapter is currently associated.
Server Based Authentication - The method by which authentication to a back-end server is being performed to establish secure connectivity.