NOTICE: When using the seat ALONE : 1. This is a “Universal” child restraint. It is approved to Regulation No. 44, 03 series of amendments, for general use in vehicles and it will fit most, but not all, car seats. 2. A correct fit is likely if the vehicle manufacturer has declared in the vehicle handbook that the vehicle is capable of accepting a “Universal” child restraint for this age group. 3. This child restraint has been classified as “Universal” under more stringent conditions than those which applied to earlier designs which do not carry this notice. 4. If in doubt, consult either the child restraint manufacturer or the retailer. Only suitable if the approved vehicles are fitted with 3 point static/with retractor safety belts, approved to UN/ECE Regulation No. 16 or other equivalent standards. DO NOT USE THIS CAR SEAT ON ANY VEHICLE SEAT WHERE AN AIRBAG IS FITTED.
NOTICE : Lorsqu'on utilise le siège auto : 1. Ceci est un siège d’enfant “universel”. Il est approuvé par l’article No 44,03 de la série des amendements, pour usage général dans un véhicule et il s’adaptera à la plupart, mais pas à tous, les sièges de voitures. 2. Il pourra être utilisé sans problèmes dans votre voiture, si le fabricant de votre véhicule déclare dans le manuel d’entretien que