Februaray-2006 Page 18 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway
MAC Addre ss
The device ID, in HEX forma t. This is very important ID for ISP trou bleshooting.
WAN IP A ddress
This field shows WAN p ort IP address.
Product M odel
This field contains the p roduct model info.
Software Version
This is the main softw are release. This number is always used f or
firmware upgrade.
: This is normally not ch anged.
This is the user interfac e, normally not changed.
This is the codec progra m, normally not changed.
System Up time
This shows system up tim e since last reboot.
This shows whether the unit is registered to service provider’s ser ver.
PPPoE Lin k Up
This shows whether the
is up if connected
to DSL mod em
This shows what kind NAT t he VoIP Client ATA is connected to vi a its WAN port. It is
based on
NAT Mapp ed IP
WAN side public IP if conn ected to LAN of a SOHO router.
NAT Mapp ed Port
External port detected by
Statistical Status
Self explainable. Please refe r to the page displayed.