Februaray-2006 Page 8 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway
3 VoIP Client ATABefore usin g this device please perfo rm the following actions :
1. Connect t heVoIP Master (Which include th e VoIP Client ATA as a built-in m odule) to the IP n etwork via the RJ-45
connection n ear the 2 LEDs and power supply side. You must hav e an account with a VoIP termination service provider
or you should register an extension with a SIP Gateway/Serve r. Get all needed data from your prov ider (such as: user
name, Password, server IP addresses po rts etc.).
2. Connec t a regular Analog te lephone (RJ-1 1 connection) to t he system and co nfigure it first as a r egular VoIP client.
That configur ation is done using a we b interface. You will fi nd instructions on page 14 of this manual.
3. Test tha t you can make and receive calls using your regular phone set.
4. Run the GSM manag ement software, a nd configure it according to the manual and the i nterface menu.
3.1 Product Overview
The report will include v arious standards been used in each demo and any interoperabil ity issue need to
be considere d regarding the need for certain standard support , what section of the s tandard are mandatory
and what sta ndards implementation are recommended as an impleme ntation reference.
3.1.1 Key Fea tures
The document will be prepared as cont ribution of all partners where Albatronics will i ntegrate the contributio ns.
Each partne r will contribute inform ation for it s demo provided equipment regarding with standards support details.
Supports SIP 2.0(RFC 3261 ), TCP/UDP/IP, RTP/RTCP, HTTP, ICMP , ARP/RARP, DNS, DHCP (both client an d server),
Powerful digital signal proc essing (DSP) to ensure superb audio qua lity; advanced adaptive jitter control a nd packet
loss concealment technolo gy
Supports various codecs incl uding G.711 (PCM a-law and u-law), G.723.1 (5.3K/6.3K), G.726, (40K/32K/2 4K/16K), as
well as G.728, G.729 and i LBC.
Supports Caller ID/name display or block, Call waiting caller ID, Hol d, Call Waiting/Flash, Call
Transfer, Call Forward, in-band and out-of-band DTMF, Dial Plans, etc.
Supports Caller ID/name display or block, Call waiting caller ID, Hol d, Call Waiting/Flash, Call
Transfer, Call Forward, in-band and out-of-band DTMF, Dial Plans, etc.
Supports fax pass through (for PCMU and PCMA) and T.38 FoIP ( Fax over IP).
Supports Silence Suppression , VAD (Voice Activity Detection), CNG (Comfort Noise Generation), Line Echo Cancellation
(G.168), and AGC (Automat ic Gain Control)
Supports standard encrypti on and authentication (DIGEST using M D5 and MD5-sess)
Supports for Layer 2 (802. 1Q VLAN, 802.1p) and Layer 3 QoS (To S, DiffServ, MPLS)
Supports automated NAT tr aversal without manual manipulation of firewall/NAT
Supports device configurat ion via built-in IVR, Web browser or Ce ntral configuration files through TFTP or HTTP server
Supports firmware upgrade via TFTP or HTTP with encrypted config uration files.
Supports PSTN pass throu gh, able to make and receive VoIP or PSTN calls using same connected analo gue phone.
Ultra compact (wallet siz e) and lightweight design, great companion for travelers.