Februaray-2006 Page 24 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway
Voice Frame s per
This field contains the num ber of voice frames to be transmitted in a single
packet. When setting this va lue, the user should be aware of the re quested
packet time (used in SDP me ssage) as a result of configuring this parameter.
This parameter is associat ed with the first vocoder in the abov e vocoder
Preference List or the actua l used payload type negotiated betwe en the 2
conversation parties at run time.
e.g., if the first vocoder is configured as G723 and the “Voice Fra mes per TX”
is set to be 2, then the “pt ime” value in the SDP message of an INVITE request
will be 60ms because each G723 voice frame contains 30ms of au dio.
Similarly, if this field is set to be 2 and if the first vocoder chosen is G729 or
G711 or G726, then the “ptim e” value in the SDP message of an INVITE
request will be 20ms.
If the configured voice fram es per TX exceeds the maximum allowe d value, the
phone will use and save th e maximum allowed value for the corresp onding first
vocoder choice. The maxi mum value for PCM is 10(x10ms) frames; f or G726,
it is 20 (x10ms) frames; f or G723, it is 32 (x30ms) frames; for G72 9/G728, 64
(x10ms) and 64 (x2.5ms) frames respectively.
Fax Mode
T.38 (Auto Detect) FoIP by default, or Pass-Through (must use co dec
User ID i s phone
If the VoIP Client ATA has an assigned PSTN telephone number,
then this field will be set to “Yes”. Oth erwise, set it to “No”. If
“Yes”, a “user=phone” parameter will be attached to the
“From” header in SIP request.
SIP Regis tration
This parameter controls wh ether the IP phone needs to send RE GISTER
messages to the proxy ser ver. The default setting is “Yes”.
Unregister On
Default is No. If set to Yes, the SIP user’s registration information will be
cleared on reboot.
Registrati on
This parameter allows the u ser to specify the time frequency (in m inutes) the
phone will refresh its registr ation with the specified registrar. Th e default
interval is 60 minutes (or 1 hour). The maximum interval is 6553 5 minutes
(about 45 days).
Early Dial
This parameter controls wh ether the phone will attempt to send an early
INVITE each time a key is pressed when a user is dialing a number. If set to “Yes”, an
INVITE is sent using the dial-numbers collected so far; Otherwise, no
INVITE is sent until the “( Re-)Dial” button is pressed or after about 5 seconds
have elapsed if the user for gets to press the “(Re-)Dial” button.
The “Yes” option should be used ONLY if there is a SIP proxy configured and
the proxy server supports 484 Incomplete Address responses. Othe rwise, the call
will most likely be rejected by the proxy (with a 404 Not Found err or).
Please note that this featur e is NOT designed to work with and should NOT be
enabled for direct IP-to-IP calling.