Februaray-2006 Page 5 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway
1 Getting Star ted
Eurot ech Co mmunica tion
team i s glad you have chosen to use th e
Eurot echs VoIP Master
GSM t o VoIP gate way
for grea tly saving your call c osts. We wil l do our be st to make your insta llation effo rts as well as day-to- day
configur ation and m onitoring tasks be ple asant tasks as possib le. We wish you a smoo th operatio n while gr eatly savin g
your of fice mobile phone calls .
This cha pter is you r
Map f or inst allation , confi gurati on and monito ring ta sks
and in cludes a sh ort explanat ion
on each stage as we ll as refer ences for m ore elabora ted explana tions, dra wings and e xamples in other chapt ers. The
followin g is a list of tasks yo u shall perf orm, where you shall go over it sequentiall y or skip ta sks that a re optional and
not req uired for yo ur current needs. It is advised th at you will use the fo llowing tas ks as
Do To List
As a sta rt
Check your p ackage Items
at Cha pter 2
Check your package Items .
Later pr oceed with the
Grads tream HanyTon e 286 VoIP Cl ient AT A (Anal og to T elephon e Adap tor)
resides in the VoIP Master gat eway and en ables a We b based conf iguration interface.
The VoIP Client AT A provides VoIP call o rigination and terminat ion with PS TN network , with some add-on
supplem entary servi ces which a re reviewed at Chapte r 3.
VoIP Master g atewa y
adds n ew capabilit ies of GSM to VoIP ca lls originat ion and term ination to the client ATA.
The foll owing topic s of the Vo IP Client A TA are revi ewed in Ch apter 3:
Client ATA Pr oduct Overvi ew, Key Featur es, Ha rdware Specifi cation
Basic Operat ions
as fol lows
Getting Familiar wi th the Key Pad and the Voice Pro mpt
Placing Phone Calls
Calling phone or ex tension num bers
Direct I P calls
Blind Tr ansfer
Attende d Transfer
Call Fea tures
Fax Sup port
LED Light Pattern Indication
Now you shall s tart confi gure the
VoIP Client ATA
followi ng the
Confi guration Guide
at ch apter 3.2.
The fo llowing confi guration ac tions shall be perfor med with se veral guide lines for op tional actio ns:
Configuri ng VOIP Cl ient with a Web Brows er
Access t he Web Conf iguration Menu
End User Configurati on
Advance d User Confi guration
Saving t he Configur ation Chan ges
Remotely rebooting VoIP Client ATA
Restorin g the Facto ry Default Settings
After you have com pleted the
VoIP Client ATA
you c an start c onfiguring the
VoIP Master,
startin g with lear ning
the Vo IPMaster con cept rule i n the netw ork and the way it work s at
What is the VoIP M aster a nd how it work s