Februaray-2006 Page 21 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway
Admin Pas sword
Administrator password: O nly the administrator can configure the “Advanced
Settings” page. Password fi eld is purposely left blank for security r easons after Pressing
update and save. The ma ximum password length is 25 charact ers.
SIP Server
This field contains the URI string or the IP address (and port, if different from
5060) of the SIP proxy serv er. e.g., the following are some vali d examples:
sip.my-voip-provider.com, or sip:my-company-sip-server.com, or 192 .168.1.200:5066
Outbound Proxy
This field contains the URI string or the IP address (and port, if different from
5060) of the outbound pro xy. If there is no outbound proxy, this fi eld
be left blank. If not bl ank, all outgoing requests will be sent to this outbound