Februaray-2006 Page 26 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway
Via TFTP Server
This is the IP address of t he configured tftp server. If it is non-zer o or not
blank, the IP phone will att empt to retrieve new configuration fil e or new code
image (update) from the specified tftp server at boot time. It will make up to 3
attempts before timeout an d then it will start the boot process using the existing
code image in the Flash me mory. If a tftp server is configured and a new code
image is retrieved, the new downloaded image will be verified and th en saved
into the Flash memory.
Note: DO NOT interrupt t he TFTP upgrade process (especially the power
supply) as this will damag e the device. Depending on the network environment
this process can take up to 15 or 20 minutes.
Via HTTP Server
The URL for the HTTP serve r used for firmware upgrade and config uration via
HTTP. For example,
http://pr ovisioning.mycompa ny.com:6688/Gra ndstream/ 6
Here “:6688” is the specific TCP port that the HTTP server is listening at , it can
be omitted if using default port 80.
Note: If Auto Upgrade is s et to “No”, VoIP Client ATA will only do H TTP
download once - at boot u p.
Automatic HTTP
Choose “Yes” to enable autom atic HTTP upgrade and provisioning.
In “Check for new firmware e very” field. Enter the number of days perio d.
VoIP Client ATA will check the HTTP server for firmware upgrade or
configuration after the d efined number of days.
When set to “No”, VoIP Client ATA will only do HTTP upgrade onc e at boot
Default is “No”. When set to “Y es” a SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting
Indication will be sent perio dically.
This parameter allows the u ser to configure a User ID or extension n umber to
be automatically dialed u pon offhook. Please note that only the user part of a
SIP address needs to be entered here. The phone will automatica lly append the
“@” and the host portion of th e corresponding SIP address.
Enable Cal l Feature
Default is No. If set to Yes, Call Forwarding & Do-Not-Disturb are su pported
Disable C all
Default is No.
This parameter controls th e way DTMF events are transmitted. Th ere are 3
ways: in audio which me ans DTMF is combined with the audio sig nal (not very
reliable with low-bit-rate c odec), via RTP (RFC2833), or via SIP INFO.
DTMF Payl oad
This parameter sets the p ayload type for DTMF using RFC2833