Februaray-2006 Page 30 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway

3.3 Restoring the Fa ctory Default S ettings

Warning !!!

Restoring the Factory Default Setting s will DELET E all configurat ion informat ion of the de vice.

Please ba ckup or print out all the set tings before attempting th e following st eps.

Please disconnect the networ k cable and power cycle the unit, before trying to reset the unit to the factor y defaults.
The steps are as follows:
Step 1:
Find the MAC Address of th e device. The MAC address of the device is located at the
bottom of the device. It is a 12 digits hex number.
Step 2
the MAC address to decimal digits. Please use the following mapping:
0-9: 0-9
A: 22
B: 222
C: 2222
D: 33
E: 333
F: 3333
For example, for the MAC a ddress: 00 0b 82 00 e3 95,
the User encoding should b e : 00 0222 82 00 333 3 95
Step 3
: Access the voice menu by pressing *** or the LED button, then dial 99 and get the voice
prompt RESET
Step 4:
Key in the encoded MAC address decimal digits after hearing the IVR prompt. Once the
correct encoded MAC addres s is entered, the device will reboot au tomatically and restore the
factory default settings.