Februaray-2006 Page 28 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway
Syslog Le vel
Select the ATA to report t he log level. Default is NONE. The level is one of
DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR. Syslog messages are sent ba sed on
the following events:
product model/version on boot up (INFO level)
NAT related info (INFO le vel)
sent or received SIP messa ge (DEBUG level)
SIP message summary (I NFO level)
inbound and outbound c alls (INFO level)
registration status chan ge (INFO level)
negotiated codec (INFO level)
Ethernet link up (INFO le vel)
SLIC chip exception (WARN ING and ERROR levels)
memory exception (ER ROR level)
The Syslog uses USER facil ity. In addition to standard Syslog payload , it
contains the following com ponents:
GS_LOG: [device MAC add ress][error code] error message
Here is an example:
May 19 02:40:38 192.168 .1.14 GS_LOG: [00:0b:82:00:a1:be][00 0] Ethernet
link is up