Februaray-2006 Page 39 / 42 MasterVoIP VoIP to GSM Gateway
3.4.5 Po rt and SIM Settings
This chapter details port to SIM association as well as required and optional settings. Dial Settings for the GSM Port
After defining the Comport, press
GSM Port
in the left pane. The Port Setting window is displayed.
Define dial settings in this window as follows:
1. In the Dial pause box, set the
time interv al
, whereupon a
dialed numb er is dispat ched
after the designate d
delay time. Each unit is 0 .1 second. For example, if you want the nu mber to be dispatched 3 seconds aft er you
finish dialing, enter 30 in th is box.
2. Upon completion of a c all, if you want to remain connected to the
GSM Netw ork
, set
Repeat A ccess
to On
3. Set
Receiving (Rx)
and transmitting volumes in the Rx (receiving) and
Transmitti ng ( Tx)
4. Press
Write Settings .