GXV3601 IP Camera
port number is needed to access the web GUI, for instance:
NOTE: If the HTTP Port is 80, when you add this device to GSurf or GS_NVR, the RTSP port is 554. If the HTTP Port is changed, when you add this device to GSurf or GS_NVR, please make sure the RTSP port number equals HTTP Port plus 2000.
GXV3601 Wifi Page – GXV3601 supports WIFI via wireless dongles.
Enable Wifi – Checked to enable Wifi SSID – Click on Scan to view available network. Choose a network and Click on Select to confirm.
Security Mode – Choose associated Security mode.
GXV3601 DDNS Page
Dynamic DNS provides devices that have a variable, often changing IP address with a well known hostname resolvable by network applications through standard DNS queries.
Set up DDNS
1.Apply for a domain name from your service provider.
2.Login to the web configuration page, click Basic Settings > DDNS.
3.Enter the required information
DDNS Active – If you want to use DDNS, please set this field to “Enabled” . DDNS ISP Type – Select your DDNS ISP Type.
Site Name – The DDNS name for your device.
DDNS Account/ DDNS Password – The account and password from the DDNS Provider.
Firmware | Page 20 of 36 |
Grandstream Networks, Inc. | 09/2010 |