This new, tool table plus was designed to answer customer requests for a slightly wider and taller table than our G7313 to accommodate a vari- ety of
Figure 38. H7828 Shop Fox Tool Table Plus.
Safety Glasses are essential to every shop. If you already have a pair, buy extras for visitors or employees. You can't be too careful when it comes to shop safety!
| H1298 |
H1300 |
| |
| |
| G7984 |
H2347 |
| H0736 |
Figure 39. Our most popular safety glasses.
G0612 6" Jointer
Say goodbye to foggy safety glasses and labored breathing, this battery powered respirator sup- plies a constant breeze of fresh air all day long. Comes with its own plastic case for clean, sealed storage. Finally, a respirator you can look forward to
Figure 40. H6175 Power Respirator.
G3631—Jointer/Planer Knife Hone
Add a razor hone to your planer and jointer knives with this