Disconnect power to the machine when perform- ing any maintenance, assembly or adjust- ments. Failure to do this may result in serious personal injury.
Keep loose clothing rolled up and out of the way of machinery and keep hair pulled back.
Wear safety glasses during the entire adjust- ment process. Failure to comply may result in serious personal injury.
Blade Height
When preparing to operate your table saw, you should adjust the blade height to approximately 1Ú4" above the surface of the material you plan on cutting. The handwheel at the front of the saw adjusts the blade height. To adjust the blade height:
1.Loosen the locking knob at the center of the blade height handwheel.
2.Using a sample of the material you plan on cutting as a gauge, turn the handwheel until the blade reaches its intended height.
3.Retighten the locking knob.
4.Recheck your blade height with the sample material and
Blade Tilt
1.Set your blade angle at zero as shown on the angle indicator on the front of the saw and raise the blade several inches above the table.
2.Place a machinistÕs square flat on the table and slide it alongside the blade. The square should contact the blade evenly from bottom to top. Make sure that a blade tooth does not obstruct the movement of the square.
3.Adjust the handwheel until the square is flush with the blade. Loosen the tilt indicator arrow, set to zero, and retighten. Loosen and adjust the stop bolt on the left side of the front trunnion to allow a 90¡ stop point. See Figure 23 for details.
4.Turn the blade angle handwheel until the angle indicator points at the desired angle.
5.Tighten the handwheel locking knob.
6.Repeat Steps
90¡ Stop Bolt
45¡ Stop Bolt
Figure 23. Geared trunnion.
G1023SL/G1023SLX |