106 Index
3-way 29
active 13, 25
answering 21–23
answering call waiting 23
conference 29
forwarding 24
ignoring 22
incoming 21–24, 35
missed 19, 32, 35
outgoing 13–20, 35, 75
placing a second 27
placing from SIM Phonebook
placing on hold 26
switching 28
Conference calls 29
Coverage area 11, 19, 21, 24, 31, 53
Call History 36
SIM card entries 46
SMS messages 34, 53, 60
Speed Dial entries 41
applications 69
emergency numbers 20
from Address Book 17
from Call History 16, 32, 35
from Memo Pad 18
from SIM Phonebook 47
from To Do List 18
last number 16
prefixes 68
previous numbers 15, 16, 35
with Dialpad 15
with Speed Dial 14
dialing numbers 15
icon 15
call forwarding number 24
menu 79, 81, 83
phone number 15, 17, 18, 39
SMS messages 58
Speed Dial 40, 42
Email messages 49, 50, 52, 55
Emergency numbers 20