50 Working With SMS Text Messages
Enabling SMS and SMS EmailTo send and reply to SMS messages, you must subscr ibe to your service
provider’s SMS service. If you subscribe to thi s service, your service provide r
supplies an SMS Message Center nu mber which appears in the SMS
Preferences dialog.
To use SMS Email, you mus t subscribe to your service provider’s SMS
Email service and enter their SMS Email Center number in the SMS
Preferences dialog. The SMS Email Center forward s the SMS messages to
the recipient’s email address. Contact your servic e provider to obtain their
SMS Email Center number.
1. Press the SMS Message Manager button on your VisorPhone.
2. From any SMS Message Manager list view, tap the Menu icon .
3. Under Options, tap Preferences.
4. Tap OK.
Enter SMS Email Ce nter number
Confirm SMS Message Center number