Troubleshooting and Maintenance 87
My phone
number isn't on
the Phone Info
Your service provider may need to install your ph one
number onto your SIM card. Contact your service
provider to see if they can send a message to your
VisorPhone that writes your phone number onto your
SIM card.
My VisorPhone
won't register to
the network
■You are probably outside a network coverage area.
Try using another GSM phone to verify whether
coverage is available in your current locatio n.
■If coverage is available in your location, try your SIM
card in another GSM phone. If it still doesn’t, work,
your SIM card may be malfunctioning. Contact your
service provider for another SIM card.
■Turn off yo ur V is orP hon e, and the n t urn it o n a gai n.
If a dialog appears asking if you want to search for a
network, tap Yes.
I tried dialing a
phone number,
but my
VisorPhone just
beeps at me
■Make sure you dialed the correct number.
■Wait a few minutes and try again. If the network is
very busy, calls cannot connect.
■Verify that you are in a network coverage are a and
then move a few yards away and try the call again. If
you are in a weak coverage area (1 bar of signal
strength or less), you may not be able to complete
calls even though you are registered to the n etwork.