16 Making Voice Calls
Redialing the last number■Hold down the Phone button for two s econds to redial the last number
you called.
Redialing previous numbers1. Press the Phone button on your VisorPhone.
2. Tap the Call History ico n to view a list of previou s incoming and
outgoing calls.
3. Select the number you want to call.
4. Tap Dial.
Tip: To add a number to your Address Book or Spe ed Dial list, tap
Details, tap Copy Phone #, then in Address Book or Speed Dial Edit
view, tap the line where you want to add the number, and selec t
Paste from the Edit menu to insert the number.
ere to se
the call category:
All, Incoming, Out-
going, or Missed
Tap the entry you
want to dial
Tap Dial to call
selected number Tap Details to view
call information