Checking Messages 33
Checking voicemail
When your phone is off, you travel outside a service area, or you miss or
choose to ignore a call, the caller may leave a voicemail message. When you
connect to the network, the phone application notifies you that you received
voicemail messages.
1. Dial your voicemail service using one of thes e methods:
Tap the Voicemail button in the Speed Di al view.
Tap Listen in the Voicemail alert dialog.
Tap the Voicemail icon in the upper-right part of the Speed Dial
view or the Dialpad view.
Tip: Some service providers do not support the Listen button and
the Voicemail icon .
2. Tap Key Pad on the Active Call screen.
3. Tap Done.
Tap buttons to dial
access codes and
review messages