Checking Messages 31
Checking MessagesYour VisorPhone is capable of receiving voic email and text messages and
generating missed call messages.
If you m iss a ca ll wh en you r Vis orPho ne is o n and you re main i n a co verag e
area, your missed calls appear in the C all History list and you receive a
missed call alert message. When your phone is off or you travel outside a
coverage area, your missed calls are f orwarded to voicemail and they d o not
appear in the Call History list. Similarly, when you r phone is off or you
travel outside a coverage area, your service provider stores your text
messages until you turn on your phone or retu rn to a coverage area.
Note: You may need to contact you r service provider to add t he text
messaging feature to your rate plan. This feat ure is sometimes
referred to as SMS, or Short Message Service.
This chapter describes how to:
■Review missed calls
■Check voicemail
■Check text messages
■Display call history
■Purge call history