The Music Player is for playing files saved on your microSD
Card or on the device’s internal memory. To initiate playback
music with the device closed, press and hold , then last
played music files will be play. Press [FFW] or press
[FRW] to select another MP3 file. In order to stop the music
player while it is playing with handset closed, it is required
to open the shell and press .
The Music Player can only play MP3, AAC, or WMA files.
Please consult the recorded source file for details.
If your music files appear to be corrupted, then you’ll have to
reformat the internal memory. Here’s how:
1. Back up all the content in your internal memory using
Mass Storage Mode.
2. Press [MENU]
3. Select [Video + Music]
4. Select [Memory]
5. [Clear Memory]
6. [Internal Memory]
7. [All Media + Licenses]


Want to download your music and video files onto your
Ocean? It’s easy, all you need is the USB cable included
with your Ocean. First, plug one end of the USB cable into
the Ocean and the other end into your computer’s USB
port. The icons “Helio Ocean” and “Helio Ext” (when a
microSD/T-Flash card is inserted) should appear on your
desktop. (“Helio Ocean” is your Internal Memory and
“Helio Ext” is your External Memory.
From the idle mode on your device, press [MENU],
then select from the following transfer options
1. Helio Sync: For Windows and Helio PC applications.
2. Mass Storage Mode: For Windows and OS X. Just drag
and drop the media files from your hard drive into the
appropriate folder inside the Helio Ocean icon or the Helio
Ext icon.
3. Video + Music Sync Mode: To use with Windows Media
Player to sync or for music subscriptions such as Yahoo!
Music. Just drag and drop media files into the Helio Ocean
Once you’ve transferred the files you want, follow these
steps to disconnect your USB cable safely and avoid
corruption to your internal memory.
For PCs: At the bottom of your computer screen, click on the
icon for “Safely Remove Hardware.” Select the item
you wish to disconnect and click “OK”. Once you
get a message that says “You may now remove
hardware,” you can remove the USB cable from the
For Macs: On your desktop, find the item you wish to dis-
connect. Click and drag it to the “Eject” icon or
eject using the Finder. Once the item has been
removed from the desktop, you can remove the
USB cable from the computer.