Color Control
Color Cycle
Color Function parameter DMX value = 17
The image’s color components cycle through RGB, black, and white. When no Red Green or Blue is added, image fades from full white, to normal image, to black. When RGB/CMY is added the image fades from the RGB value, to the image with color added. Individual color components are modulated individually, the speed of the modulation for a particular component is based on the red, green or blue DMX values respectively.
Red Parameter: Controls the cycle speed from 0 slow to maximum speed at a DMX value = 255 (100%).
Green Parameter: Controls the offset of the color cycle. At a DMX value = 128 (50%) there is no adjustment. Values below the midpoint cycle through the palette in reverse at an increasing speed to a maximum offset at a DMX value = 0. Values above the midpoint cycle forward through the palette at an increasing speed to maximum offset at a DMX value = 255 (100%).
Blue Parameter: Not Used
Compress to Maximum
Color values are compressed toward the high end of the color range.
Color Function parameter DMX value = 20
Red Parameter: Adjusts the compression for the red color component from 0 = no adjustment to 65,535 (100%) = maximum red saturation.
Green Parameter: Adjusts the compression for the green color component from 0 = no adjustment to
65,535 (100%) = maximum green saturation.
Blue Parameter: Adjusts the compression for the blue color component from 0 = no adjustment to 65,535 (100%) = maximum blue saturation.
Rainbow Color Cycle
Color Function parameter DMX value = 23
Maps the colors in the media to a table creating a multi color pattern that moves across the image. This effect cycles through a rainbow color palette, adding palette values to pixel.
Red Parameter: Controls the cycle speed from 0 slow to maximum speed at a DMX value = 255 (100%).
Green Parameter: Controls the offset to vary the patterns color mapping. At a DMX value = 128 (50%) there is no adjustment. Values below the midpoint cycle through the palette in reverse at an increasing speed to a maximum offset at a DMX value = 0. Values above the midpoint cycle forward through the palette at an increasing speed to maximum offset at a DMX value = 255 (100%).
Blue Parameter: Not Used
38 | StudioPix™ Pixelation Luminaire User Manual |