StudioPix™ Pixelation Luminaire User Manual 67
Chapter 10 Effect Descriptions
Effects can be applied to the Media File content. Multiple Color and
Geometric options are available for both individual Image and Global
The descriptions in the this manual include the global and image effects for both SHOWPIX and
StudioPix fixtures. Note that example graphics use the SHOWPIX 127-LED array. The same
effect displayed on a 61-LED StudioPix array may a slightly different appearance.

Background Color

Global Effect Function parameter DMX value = 1
The Background Color
option is used primarily
when using the
Transparent parameter
option in conjunction with
an overlay Transition
Mode option.
In this example, Image A
is designated as solid blue
and Image B as solid red
with the overlay Transition
Mode option Cover from
Left selected. If Image B
is defined as transparent,
the background color will show through areas where Image A is not covering Image B.
Modifier 1: Indexes through 256 color options. The table below shows sample DMX values.
Modifier 2: Selects color intensity from full saturation at a DMX value of 0 to zero intensity at a
DMX value of 255.
DMX 12340 90 125 170 200 255
Color Black White Blue Cyan Green Yell ow Red Magenta Blue
Image Effect Global Effect
Background Color shows
Image A moves to overlay Image B
as specified in the Transition mode option selected.
through transparent area
of Image B
Image B
Image A
0255Color Palette Range