Brake Pedal
(Gear Transmission Model)
Verify that the clutch pedal operates when the brake pedal is pressed,
and that there is not excessive freeplay in the brake pedal. Also
inspect the brake wear indicator (page 78).
(Hydrostatic Transmission Model)
Move the shift lever out of NEUTRAL. Press the brake pedal all the
way down. Make sure the shift lever returns to NEUTRAL.
Parking Brake
Make sure the brake and clutch pedals remain locked down in place
when the parking brake is set (page 17).
Transmission Release (hydrostatic transmission model)
Make sure this lever is in the ENGAGED position before operating the
lawn tractor (page 18).
Hydrostatic Fluid Level (hydrostatic transmission
The hydrostatic fluid level should be between the two raised lines on
the bottom left corner of the reservoir. If the fluid level is below the
bottom line, add enough Honda Hydrostatic Transmission Fluid to
bring the level up to the top line (page 100).
Muffler and Exhaust Area
Inspect the muffler and exhaust area; make sure it is free of grass or
any other obstructions.
Drive Belt
Verify that the drive belt is in good condition (page 96).