Here are some tips for getting a quality cut with your lawn tractor.
When to Mow
A well-groomed lawn requires mowing at short, regular intervals,
During the growing season, a lawn may require mowing twice a week.
Cutting Height
To adjust the height of the mower HEIGHT
deck, grip the mower deck height
adjustment lever firmly, then slightly
lift to clear the notches in the handle
Move the lever outward from the
lawn tractor and away from the
handle guide. Raise or lower the
lever to the desired position.
Move the lever into the position
notch, and allow the weight on the
lever to lock it onto the handle
To prevent possible damage to the mower deck, always raise it fully
when driving the lawn tractor to and from the mowing area; this
provides maximum ground clearance.
To avoid damaging or disabling the mower deck height adjustment
lever, never attempt to move the lever when the lawn tractor is
A higher cut may be needed to protect the lawn during the summer
months. Consult a local nursery or lawn and garden center for advice
about specific types of grasses and growing conditions in your area.
Most grasses should be cut when they have grown l/2 to 1 inch
above the recommended height. If your grass grows too tall, cut it
back a little at a time, allowing a few days for the grass to recover
between mowings. Avoid cutting more than one third of the total grass
height in any one mowing.