Rear Wheels
1. Block the front wheels securely. Lift and securely support the rear
end of the lawn tractor. Remove the dust cap, then use circlip
pliers to remove and discard the old circlip.
2. Remove the outside flat washer, then rotate the wheel, so the
square key on the axle is upright and won’t fall off when you
remove the wheel.
3. Carefully pull the wheel and key straight off the axle. Note that
there is a second washer on the inside of the wheel.
4. Be sure to remove the square key from the axle, otherwise, it can
be difficult to get the wheel back on the axle properly.
1. Grease the axle thoroughly. If the inside flat washer was removed,
install it back on the axle. Slide the wheel onto the axle. Line the
keyway on the axle with the keyway on the inside of the wheel.
Install the square key between the axle and wheel.
2. Install the outside flat washer on the outside of the wheel and a
new circlip. Do not use the old circlip. Circlips have a flat side and
a round side. Install the circlip with the flat side out, being careful
not to expand the clip too far. Replace the dust cap.