Battery Service
Your lawn tractor charging system charges the battery while the
engine is running. However, if the lawn tractor is only used
periodically, the battery must be charged monthly to maintain the
battery service life.
A lead-acid battery self-discharges at a rate of 0.5 - 1 .O % per day. If
the lawn tractor is not operated for a month, the battery can discharge
as much as 30%. This could cause the engine not to start or shorten
the service life of the battery.
Inspection and Removal
1. Raise and lock the seat. Remove the battery cell caps.
2. Inspect the electrolyte level of each cell. The electrolyte liquid
should cover all the plates.
3. If any plates are not covered, add distilled water as necessary.
Removing the Battery
To charge the battery, follow the procedures below.
1. Raise and lock the seat. Remove the negative (-) cable from the
battery negative (-) terminal, then remove the positive (+) cable
from the battery positive (+) terminal.
2. Remove the battery from the battery compartment.
1. Remove the battery cell caps.
2. Connect the battery charger following the manufacturer’s
instructions. After charging, check the electrolyte level in each of
the cells. Add distilled water as necessary, then install the battery
3. Clean the outside of the battery and the battery compartment with
a solution of baking soda and water. Don’t allow any of the
solution to drip down the vent caps into the battery cells.