5.Follow the security directions as prompted on the screen and click on Download.

6.When prompted, select Save, and save the file to your desktop.

7.Double click on the EZConfig-Scanningzip file.

8.Double click on the EZConfig-Scanning Setup.exe file. Select Extract All.

9.Go to the EZConfig-Scanningfolder that has been created on your desktop and double click on the EZConfig-Scanning Setup.exe file.

10.Follow the screen prompts to install the EZConfig-Scanning program.

11.If you’ve selected the defaults during installation, you can click on the shortcut on your desktop to start EZConfig for Scanning.

Once the software is installed, you may delete the zip file and the EZCon- fig-Scanning folder from your desktop.

Resetting the Standard Product Defaults

! This selection erases all your settings and resets the scanner to the original factory defaults.

If you aren’t sure what programming options are in your scanner, or you’ve changed some options and want to restore the scanner to factory default set- tings, first scan the Remove Custom Defaults bar code, then scan Activate Defaults. This resets the scanner to the factory default settings.

Remove Custom Defaults

Activate Defaults

The Serial Programming Commands, beginning on page 9-1lists the standard product default settings for each of the commands (indicated by an asterisk (*) on the programming pages).

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