F2 Example: Send a number of characters

Send the first 10 characters from the bar code above, followed by a carriage return. Command string: F2100D

F2 is the “Send a number of characters” command

10 is the number of characters to send

0D is the hex value for a CR

The data is output as: 1234567890

F2 and F1 Example: Split characters into 2 lines

Send the first 10 characters from the bar code above, followed by a carriage return, followed by the rest of the characters.

Command string: F2100DF10D

F2 is the “Send a number of characters” command

10 is the number of characters to send for the first line

0D is the hex value for a CR

F1 is the “Send all characters” command

0D is the hex value for a CR

The data is output as: 1234567890


Send all characters up to a particular character

F3 Include in the output message all characters from the input message, starting with the character at the current cursor position and continuing to, but not including, the search character “ss,” followed by an insert character. The cursor is moved forward to the “ss” character. Syntax

=F3ssxx where ss stands for the search character’s hex value for the CP1252 character, and xx stands for the insert character’s hex value for the CP1252 character.

Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page A-3for decimal, hex and character codes.

F3 Example: Send all characters up to a particular character

Using the bar code above, send all characters up to but not including “D,” followed by a carriage return.

Command string: F3440D

F3 is the “Send all characters up to a particular character” command

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