Intercharacter Delay

An intercharacter delay of up to 495 milliseconds may be placed between the transmission of each character of scanned data. Scan the Intercharacter Delay bar code below, then scan the number of steps in 5 millisecond increments and the Save bar code using the inside the back cover of this manual.


Scanned Data


1 2 3 4 5

Intercharacter Delay

Intercharacter Delay

To remove this delay, scan the Intercharacter Delay bar code, then set the number of steps to 0. Scan the Save bar code using the inside the back cover of this manual.

Note: Intercharacter delays are not supported in USB serial.

User Specified Intercharacter Delay

An intercharacter delay of up to 495 milliseconds may be placed after the transmission of a particular character of scanned data. Scan the Delay Length bar code below, then scan the number of steps in 5 millisecond increments and the Save bar code using the inside the back cover of this manual.

Next, scan the Character to Trigger Delay bar code, then the 2-digit hex value for a printable character to trigger the delay (see Lower ASCII Reference Table on page A-5). The range is 00-FF.

Delay Length

Character to Trigger Delay

4 - 7