Search backward for a character

F9 Search the input message backward for “xx” character from the current cursor position, leaving the cursor pointing to the “xx” character. Syntax

=F9xx where xx stands for the search character’s hex value for the CP1252 character.

Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page A-3for decimal, hex and character codes.

Search forward for a string

B0 Search forward for “s” string from the current cursor position, leaving cursor pointing to “s” string. Syntax = B0nnnnS where nnnn is the string length (up to 9999), and S consists of the ASCII hex value of each character in the match string. For example, B0000454657374 will search forward for the first occurrence of the 4 character string “Test.” Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page A-3for decimal, hex and character codes.

B0 Example: Send bar code data that starts after a string of characters

Search for the letters “FGH” in bar codes and send all the data that fol- lows, including “FGH.” Using the bar code above:

Command string: B00003464748F10D

B0 is the “Search forward for a string” command

0003 is the string length (3 characters)

46 is the hex value for “F”

47 is the hex value for “G”

48 is the hex value for “H”

F1 is the “Send all characters” command

0D is the hex value for a CR

The data is output as: FGHIJ <CR>

Search backward for a string

B1 Search backward for “s” string from the current cursor position, leaving cursor pointing to “s” string. Syntax = B1nnnnS where nnnn is the string length (up to 9999), and S consists of the ASCII hex value of each character in the match string. For example, B1000454657374 will search backward for the first occurrence of the 4 character string “Test.” Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page A-3for decimal, hex and character codes.

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