7 Configuration continued

Copy (Transferring Data and Copying Parameters)

The COPY function serves to transfer data and copy parameters within the following windows:



Configuration (Data Transfer)

5. Event

-configuration- Controller to SDcard Sdcard to controller

This section of the COPY MENU is only accessible if an SDcard is present. Data can be transferred from the controller to the SDcard, or from the SDcard to the controller. Thus, an image of the controller’s programming may be transferred and stored on a computer. Similarly, the controller’s programming may be executed on a computer and then transferred to the controller.

Controller to SDcard (transfer from the controller to the SDcard)

SDcard to controller (transfer from the SDcard to the controller)

In order, the first command enables the user to save the controller configuration and parameters into a file named ‘config.ini’. The second command enables the user to load the configuration and parameters from the same file. Keep in mind that the content of the ‘config.ini’ file can always be edited on a computer.

Before saving the current configuration and parameters, the system will look for the existence of any previous configuration. The following steps will be performed:

1If a file named ‘config.ini’ already exists, the system looks for a file named ‘config.bak’;

2If a file named ‘config.bak’ is found, it is deleted;

3Then, the existing ‘config.ini’ file is renamed ‘config.bak’, thus keeping a backup of the previous configuration;

4At last, a new ‘config.ini’ file with the current configuration is created.

Moreover, at card insertion, the controller system looks for an existing ‘config.ini’ file containing a tag named “autoload” equaled to ‘1’ (meaning true). If so, the system will automatically load the content of the file and set “autoload” to ‘0’ (meaning false). This feature is useful when you edit the file on a computer and want to avoid “menu manipulations” on the controller.

On a closer look, ‘config.ini’ is a text editable Windows .ini-style file. It can be accessed by any word processing software, but the simpler Notepad should be favored. The content of the file has the following format:

[section 1]

tag 1 = “string value 1” tag 2 = “string value 2” tag 3 = 53

[section 2]

tag 1 = true tag 2 = -12.3


See example on the next page.

Manning AirAlert-96d Gas Monitor 19073 AIRALERT96D 05/2006 Prelim REVC Copyright © 2006 Honeywell Analytics. All Rights Reserved.