Hotpoint RA513J, RA511J, RS42J, RS47GJ, RS46J, RB536J, RB532GJ, RB525J Grasp controlknob and push in

Models: RB525GJ RB524J RB525J RB532GJ RB536J RS46J RS47GJ RS42J RA511J RA513J

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Step 1: Grasp controlknob and push in.

Yoursurface unitsand controls are designedto give youan infinite choiceof heat setiingsfor surface unit cooking.

At both OFF and HIGH positions, there is a slightniche so control “clicks” at those positions; “click” on HIGH marks the highestsetting; the lowestsettingis betweenthe wordsWARMafidOFF. In a quiet kitchen, you mayhear slight “clicking” soundsduring cooking, indicatingheat settingsselected are being maintaind.

Switchingheatsto higher settings alwaysshowsa quicker changethan switchingto lower settings.

Step 1: Grasp controlknob and push in.

Step 2: Turn either clockwiseor counterclockwise to desired heat setting.

control mustbe pushed intoset only fromOFF position. when

control isinany position other

than OFF, it maybe rotated

without pllshing in.

Be sure you turn control to OFF when you finish cooking. An indicator light will glowwhen ANY heat on any sutiace unitis on.

Quickstartforcooking; bringwaterto bofi.

Fastfry,panbrofl;mair~ti fastboil on largeamount of food.

Sauteand brown;maintain slowboil on largeamou~~t of food.

{;ookafier startingat HIGH; cook with little waterin coveredpan.

WARM Steamrice, cereal; maintainserving temperatureofmost foods.


1.At HIGH, MED HI, neverleave food unattended. Boiloverscause smoking; greasy spilloversmay catch fire.

2.AtWA~, LOW,meltchocolate, butter on small unit.

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Hotpoint RA513J, RA511J, RS42J, RS47GJ, RS46J, RB536J, RB532GJ, RB525J, RB524J, RB525GJ Grasp controlknob and push in