Hotpoint RS47GJ, RA513J, RA511J, RS42J, RS46J, RB536J, RB532GJ, RB525J, RB524J, RB525GJ

Models: RB525GJ RB524J RB525J RB532GJ RB536J RS46J RS47GJ RS42J RA511J RA513J

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Do not clean the bakeunit or broil unit. Allysoil will bum off when the unit is heated,



INOTE: The bake unit is hingedand can bc iifted eentlv:0 clean the ovenfloor. If






] spillover,residue,or ash ac;urnu]atesaround the~~ke’unit,gently wipearound the unit



with warm water.

Broiler %n and Rack

e Soapand Water

Drain fat, cool pan and rack slightly.(Do not let soiledpan and rack stand in ovento cool.)


e Soap-FilledScouringPad

Sprinkleon detergent. Fill the pan with ~varmwaterand spread cloth or paper towelover


e CommercialOvenCleaner

the rack, Let pan and rack stand fora fewminutes.Wash;scour if necessary.Rinseand dry.



O~ION: The broiler pan and rack mayalso be cleanedin a dishwasher.


~ Mild Soap and Water

Pull off knobs. Washgently but do not soak. Dry and return controls to range makingsure

bilge Topand Oven


to match flat area on the knob and shaft.

Outside Glass Finish

* Soapand Water

Washall glass withcloth dampenedin soapy water.Rinse and polishwith a dry cloth. If



knobsare removed,do not allowwaterto run downinsidethe su~ce of glasswhilecleaning.

Nietal, including

~ Soapand Water

Wash, rinse, and then polish with a dry cloth. DO N~ USE steel wool, abrasives,

Brushed Chrome


ammonia, acids, or commercial ovencleaners which maydamagethe finish,





*Paper Towel

Avoidcleaningpowdersor harsh abrasives which may scratch the enamel. If acids should


*Dry Cloth

spill on the range while it is hot, use a dry paper towelor cloth to wipe up right away.


9 Soapand Water

When tiresurface has cooled, washand rinse. For other spills, such as fat smatterings,etc.,



wash with soap and waterwhen cooled and then rinse. Polish with dry cloth.

Painted Surf2ces

~Soap and Water

Use a mild solutionof soap and water.Do not use any harsh abrasivesor cleaningpowders



which may scratchor mar surface.

Inside Oven Door*

*Soapand Water

Toclean ovendoor; removeby openingto BROILposition and graspingdoor at sides. Lift


~Soap-FilledScouring Pad

door up and awayfrom hinges. Clean with soap and water. Replaceby grasping door at


ICommercialOven Cleaner

sides and lining up door with hinges. Push door firmly into place.


ISoap andWater

Cool beforecleaning.

(CAUTION: When in

I Soap-FilledScouring Pad

FOR LIGHT SOIL: Frequent wiping with mild soap and water (especiallyafier cooking

use, light bulbs can

Commercial Oven Cleaner

meat) will prolongthe time between major cleaning. Rinse thoroughly.N(YI%:Soap left

become warm enough to


on liner causes additionalstains when oven is reheated.

break if touched with


FOR HEAVYSOIL: Choose a non-abrasivecieaner and follow label instructions, using

mois[cloth or towel.


thin layerof cleaner. Use of rubber gloves is recommended. Wipe or rub lightly on

When cleaning, avoid


stubborn spots. Rinse well. Wipe off any ovencleaner that gets on thermostat bulb. When

warm lamps with cleaning


rinsing ovenafter cleaning also wipe thermostat bulb.

cloths if lamp cover is






Oven VentDuct

Removethe Oven VentDuct foundunder the right rear surface unit. Washin hot, soapy

g Soap and Water



water and dry and replace. (Opening should match opening in drip pan.)


QSoap and Water

Yourshelves can be cleaned by using any and all mentioned materials. Rinse thoroughly to


~ Soap-Filled Scouring Pad

removeall materials after cleaning. NOTE: Some commercial ovencleaners cause


OCommercial Oven Cleaner

darkening and discoloration. When using for first time, test cleaner on small part of shelf



and check for discoloration before completely cleaning.








Spatters and spills bum awaywhen the coils are heated. At the end of a meai, removeall



utensils from the Calrod@unit and heat the soiled units at HI. Let the soil burn off about a



minute and switch the units to OFF. Avoidgetting cleaning materials on the coils, Wipe off



any cleaning materials with a damp paper towelbe~oreheating the Calrod” unit.



DO NOT handle the unit before completely cooled.



DO NOT immerse plug-in units in any kind of liquid.

- Soap and Water


For cleaning, removedrawer by pulling it all the way open, tilt up the front and lift out.



Wipe with damp cloth or sponge and replace. Never use harsh abrasives or scouring pads.



~ Soap and Water


Clean as described below or in the dishwasher. Wipe all rings after each cooking so

~Stiff-Bristled Brush


unnoticed spatter will not “burn on” next time you cook. To remove “burned-on” spatters

~Soap-Filled Scouriilg Pad

usc any or all cleaning materials mentioned. Rub ~igilriywith scouring PZ~dto prevent



scratching of the surface.

~~Soap and W.iier


Cool pan siightly. Sprinkle on detergent and wash or scour pan with warm water. Rinse

s[):lp-~il]cdSCOUIin~ Pad

and dry. In addition. pan may also be cleaned in the dishwasher.

I!~’Pltistic Scouring Rid

I ~ Dishwasher



r ,-


‘SDilla2c(If :i\iirii}ii(ICs.

fruit juices, and bastit]y Iil:Lteri:ilS containing :]cids may C:IUSC discoloration.

Spillovers should be wiped Up iinmediatcl:l,

with care being

. r



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Hotpoint RS47GJ, RA513J, RA511J, RS42J, RS46J, RB536J, RB532GJ, RB525J, RB524J, RB525GJ installation instructions