Hotpoint RS46J, RA513J, RA511J Tosetclock, ‘Ilnle Bak6uses Automatic mnler, QKBestiomandAmwers

Models: RB525GJ RB524J RB525J RB532GJ RB536J RS46J RS47GJ RS42J RA511J RA513J

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The automatictimer and clock on your range are helpfuldevices~hat serve severalpurposes.Theknob locationson some rangemodels may vary and will look likeone of the two sets of timers below.

h~odels: RB536J, m46J and RS47GJ


~SET THE CLOCK, push the center knob in and turn the clock hands to the correct time. (The Minute Timer pointer wiil move also, let knob out, turn the Timer pointer to OFF.)

To set Minute mmer

The Minute Timer has been combined with the range clock. Use it to time aj~your precise cooking operations. You’ll recognize the Minute Timer as the pointer which is different in color and shape than the cIock hands.

TO SET THE MINUTE TIMER, turn the center knob, without pushing in, until pointer reaches number of minutes you wish to time. (Minutes are marked, up to 60, in the center ring on the clock.) At the end of the set time, a buzzer sounds to tell you time is up. Turn knob, v~ithout pushing in, until pointer reaches OFF and buzzer stops.

‘Ilnle Bak6uses Automatic mnler

Using AutomaticTimer, yOLJcall TIME BAKE with the ovenstarting immediatelyand turning off at the Stop Time set or set both DELAY START(some models may say START)and S~P dia~sto automaticallystart aridstop oven at a later time of day.It takes the worry out of not being home to start or stop the oven.

Settingthe dials for TIME BAKE is explained in detailon page 16.

ModeI RB532GJ

clock and Minute Timer

This modeI has a time of day clock and minute timer but does not have STARTand S~P dials needed for TIME BAKE function.


Q. Hovican I llse my Minute miller to malLemy surface cooking easier?

A.‘YourMinuteTimer will help time total cookingwhich includes time to boil foodand change temperatures.Do notjudge cooking time by visible steam only. Food will cook in coveredcontainers even though you can’tsee any steam.

Q.Must the clock be set on correct time of day when I wish to use the Automatic Timer for baking?

A.Yes,if you wish to set the DELAY STARTor STOP dials to turn on and off at set times during timed functions.

Q.can I use the Minute Timer during oven cooking?

A.The Minute Timer can be used during any cooking function. The AutomaticTimers (DELAY START and S~P dials) are used with TIME BAKE function only.

Q.can I Change the C1OQIKwhile I’m Tinle cooking in the oven?

A.No. The clock cannot be changed during any program that uses the oventimer, Youmust either stop those programs or wait until they are finished before.changing time.














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Hotpoint RS46J, RA513J, RA511J, RS42J, RS47GJ, RB536J, RB532GJ Tosetclock, ‘Ilnle Bak6uses Automatic mnler, QKBestiomandAmwers