TC63 AT Command Set

10.3 AT^SISO


10.3AT^SISO Internet Service Open

The AT^SISO write command starts the Internet session configured by the service profile. If the service opens successfully, the URCs "^SISW" and "^SISR" will trigger the action to follow, either writing data with AT^SISW or reading data with AT^SISR. If the "^SISW" and "^SISR" URCs notify that no data are available at all, or that a data transfer has been successful, the service can be closed with AT^SISC. If an error occurs after opening or while using a service then the URC type "^SIS" described below will be delivered.

In any case, an opened service must be finished by sending the Close command AT^SISC. This applies no mat- ter whether the service has been completed successfully (all data transmitted) or entered an error state (e.g. indi- cated by the "^SIS" URC). It is also necessary when a service, such as POP3 or FTP, has already closed automatically after successful data transfer and entered <srvState> "2".

The AT^SISO read command requests the status of all Internet service profiles. One line is issued for every Inter- net service profile. Information following the <srvParmTag> value "srvType" is issued only, if "srvType" was given a valid value via AT^SISS. The read command can be used any time during operation or after closing a service. In the latter case the response indicates the state of the last event related to a specific service profile. It will be updated only when the same service profile is used again.


Test Command




Read Command



^SISO: <srvProfileId>, <srvParmTag>value "srvType" [, <srvState>, <socketState>, <rxCount>, <txCount>, <locAddr>, <remAddr>]


Write Command




+CME ERROR: <err>

PIN ASC0 ASC1 USB MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Charge 4 Last

§ % % % % % % ! ! !

Unsolicited Result Code

Indicates the current state of the Internet service.

^SIS: <srvProfileId>, <urcCause>[, [<urcInfoId>][, <urcInfoText>]]

The URC may appear if an error occurs, for example after opening an Internet service with AT^SISO or any time during operation. The URC also indicates a request for a mobile terminated Internet service client connection, or a failure if a mobile terminated request is rejected. Furthermore, the URC may deliver an information element resulting from a specific command given in the service profile.

The precise <urcInfoText> related to a <urcInfoId> varies greatly depending on the used service, the sce- nario and the implementation of the remote server. A list of possible causes can be found in Section 10.7, Infor- mation Elements Related to Internet Service URCs.


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Siemens TC63 manual Atsiso Internet Service Open, Atsiso=?, Atsiso?, ATSISO=srvProfileId