Printer Specifications
Printer Specifications
Print Method
Plain paper
InkJet printing
Black Text Print Speed*
Best: 7 pages per minute
Normal: 8 pages per minute
EconoFast: 10 pages per minute
Color Print Speed*
Best: 2 pages per minute
Normal: 4 pages per minute
EconoFast: 7 pages per minute
Black Print Quality
Up to 600 dpi**
Color Print Quality
Photo REt II
DOS (graphics)
Printer Command Language
HP PCL Level 3
Character Sets
Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew on optional ROM
*Approximate figures. Exact speed will vary depending on the system configuration, software program, and document complexity.
** Measured in addressable raster points per inch.
Software Compatibility
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0., DOS 3.3 and above
Courier, Letter Gothic, CG Times, Univers
HP FontSmart v2.5
Scalable TrueType Fonts for Microsoft Windows (Available
through FontSmart on Printer Software CD)
Albertus, Albertus Extra Bold, Antique Olive, Antique Olive Compact, Arial, Arial Narrow, Arial Black, PL Benguiat Frisky, Bertram, Bodoni, Bodoni Black, Book Antiqua, ITC Bookman Old Style, Century Gothic, Century Schoolbook, Challenge Extrabold, Clarendon, Clarendon Condensed Bold, Clarendon Extra Bold, Coronet, Corsiva, Courier, Garamond, Gill Sans, Gill Sans Light, Gill Sans Condensed, Gill Sans Extra Bold, Gloworm, CG Goudy Oldstyle, CG Goudy Oldstyle Extra Bold, Graphite Light, Graphos, Letter Gothic, Lucida Casual, Lucida Casual Italic, Marigold, Metrostyle, Metrostyle Extended, Milestones, Nadianne Bold, Old English, CG Omega, Ozzie Black, Party, CG Poster Bodoni, Pompeii Capitals, Signet Roundhand, Sorts, Strider, Symbol, Theatre Antione, CG Times, Times New Roman, Univers, Univers Condensed, Univers Light Condensed, Univers Extended, Wingdings
Recommended Media Weight:
HP 2000C Printer
Paper: 60 to 157 g/m2 (16 to 42 lb)
Envelopes: 75 to 90 g/m2 (20 to 24 lb)
Cards: 110 to 200 g/m2 (110 lb index max.; 8.5 pt max. thickness)
HP 2000C Accessory Paper Tray
Paper: 60 to 105 g/m2 (16 to 28 lb)
52Section 4 Specifications