Device Events and Alarms

Table 4-1. Catalyst Switch Events and Alarms (Continued)

Message in the Event Log

Alarm View

Probable Cause Message





A vtpServerDisabled trap was


received from the device.

{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} - Device


{m} of Type {t} reported A VTP Server


disabled notification. This trap is


generated when the local system is no


longer able to function as a VTP


Server because the number of defined


VLANs is greater than


vtpMaxVlanStorage. Generation of


this notification is suppressed if the


vtpNotificationsEnabled has the value






er = { I 1 }, vtpMaxVlanStorage = {I 2}.


(Event [{e}]).





A vtpMtuTooBig trap was received


from the device.

{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} - Device


{m} of Type {t} reported A VTP MTU


tooBig notification. This trap is


generated when a VLAN’s MTU size


is larger than can be supported either


by one or more of its trunk ports (the


included vtpVlanState has the value


‘mtuTooBigForTrunk’ and the






is for the first or only trunk port), or


by the device itself (vtpVlanState has


the value ‘mtuTooBigForDevice’ and


any instance of




is included.) Generation of this


notification is suppressed if the


vtpNotificationsEnabled has the value






= { I 1 }, vtpVlanState = { I 2 }. (Event






9032208 E4

Event and Alarm Messages

