To send an e-mail message:1In the Easy Internet Access e-mail window, click Write messages.

2Fill in the recipient’s e-mail address and the subject of the e-mail, and then type your message.

3Click Send messages. To receive e-mail messages:

1In the Easy Internet Access e-mail window, click Get messages.2Click a message in the list to read its contents.

When you are finished sending and receiving e-mail, click the Close e-mail button.

Using the HP Message Board

After you sign up for the Easy Internet Access, you have access to the HP Message Board. This is your own personal space where you can post messages and photos for others to view. It’s a place where you can share:

Your latest holiday photosPersonalized notesFun greetingsAnd much more…

Just give your family and friends your Message Board Web address and password and they can view it with their own Internet connection.

It’s as easy as Create, Post, and Share.

Chapter 4 Communicating with the World