Your HP Keyboard

The proper positioning and use of your HP keyboard is important when using HP computing equipment. Be sure to observe the following recommendations to optimize your comfort and safety:

We recommend you place your keyboard in front of the screen or document holder, whichever is viewed the most. Your HP keyboard has long cables, so you can place it in the position that is most comfortable for you while you are using your system.

Because HP keyboards vary in depth, you’ll want to be sure that your work surface or keyboard tray has sufficient room to accommodate your model. The keyboard tray should be wide enough to hold both the keyboard and mouse or trackball: 66 to 71 cm (26 to 28 inches).

Your HP keyboard may have a kickstand that can be opened or closed to raise or lower the keyboard angle. If you are in the correct sitting position with your elbows at about the same level as the work surface, you may not need to use it. However, if your elbows are below the work surface, you may wish to use the kickstand to raise the back of the keyboard.

Chapter 1 Preparing to Use Your Computer