Caring for Diskettes

You’ll want to take proper care of your diskettes so that you don’t lose important information. Follow these tips:

Keep magnetic material away from your diskettes. Magnets can scramble the data on the diskette.

Do not remove a diskette while the indicator light is on.

Store diskettes at room temperature.

Formatting Diskettes

Before you can use a diskette, it must be formatted, or initialized. Most diskettes come preformatted — check the box or diskette label to see if the diskettes are already formatted. If they are not formatted, you will need to format them yourself.

To format a diskette:

1Insert the diskette in the drive.

2Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.

3Click (don’t double-click) the 3-1/2 floppy (A:) icon.

4Click File on the menu bar and choose Format.

5Choose OK.

Warning: Formatting erases all data on a diskette.

Chapter 2 Exploring Your System