Whenever you want to connect to the Internet in the future, just double-click the Easy Internet Access icon on your desktop, or press the Internet button on your keyboard.

Browsing the Internet

Exploring the Internet with your HP Pavilion PC is fun and easy. When you sign up for the Easy Internet Access, you have three Internet browsers to choose from:

Easy Internet Access — HP’s customized browser that offers an easy and fast way to surf the Web and send and receive electronic mail.

Kids Internet Browser — HP’s customized browser designed especially for children. It offers e-mail services and access to fun Web sites.

Microsoft Internet Explorer — a traditional Web browser. For e-mail services, you will need to configure Microsoft Outlook Express.

Each time you connect to the Internet, you can select which browser you want to use, or you can create a customized icon that launches either the Easy Internet Access or Kids Internet browser.

To connect to the Internet:

1Double-click the Easy Internet Access icon on your desktop, or press the Internet button on your keyboard.

2Choose your account.3In the Browser Selector dialog box, click the browser you want to use.4Click Start.

Chapter 4 Communicating with the World