File A named collection of data. A file can be a program or a document.

Folder In Windows, a named area of a disk where files are stored.


Gigabyte (GB) Approximately one billion bytes of information.


Hard Disk A magnetically coated disk that acts as the computer’s storage device. The hard disk is usually “fixed” in the computer and not removed.

Hardware The physical components used to operate your computer, for example: hard drive, add-in cards, and display.

HP Pavilion Library A collection of online books available on your system.


Icon A small graphic that represents a program or a document. Selecting an icon launches a program or opens a document.

Internet A group of computers able to communicate with each other through connections over the telephone lines or other means such as satellite, infrared, or direct cables.

ISP (Internet Service Provider) A business that provides access to the Internet, usually on a subscription basis. By dialing the ISP with a modem, a subscriber connects to the ISP’s servers which have a permanent connection to the Internet.


Joystick An add-on device used to navigate and play games.


Kilobyte (KB) Approximately one thousand bytes (actually 1024 bytes) of information.


LED (Light Emitting Diode) A semiconductor light used on keyboards, diskette drives, and CD/DVD drives to indicate the device is in use.

Glossary 59